Aim : Elections to college students council introduced in the Maharashtra Public University mechanism to develop democratic values as enshrined in the constitution of India.

Constitution & Business transactions
1. The college students council of college shall consist of following members,
namely -
a) one presidentb) one secretary
c) one lady representative
d) one representative from Reserved category.
e)Twelve class representatives
f) one representative each from NSS, NCC, Sports and Culture, Total [4]
- 2. Minimum four meetings of college students council shall be held in a academic year.
- 3. One third of members of students council shall constitute the quorum.
- 4. The procedure for conduct of business of meeting of college student council shall be in accordance with notification published on 26/10/2018 by Government of Maharashtra.
- 5. The term of college student council is one year.
- 6. The format of Nomination form & statement of expenditure is available at
- i) Students enrolled as full time students are eligible to be member of students council of college.
- ii) No proxy shall be permitted to any student or candidate. Student/Candidate violating this conditions shall be liable for disciplinary action.
- iii) Student desirous of contesting shall have cleared all heads of passing of previous years and 85% attendance.
- iv) The participating student/candidate shall not be a re-admitted student in the same class.
- v) The upper age limit for a candidate to contest the election shall not be twenty five completed years as on 30/09 of that academic year.
- vi) Candidate from reserved category shall have caste certificate at the time of filling of nomination of election.
- vi) Candidate from reserved category shall have caste certificate at the time of filling of nomination of election.
- 2. Has been punished by competent authority for indulging in unfair means in any university/school examination or for committing any misconduct.
- a) In case of disputes or grievances related to elections of college student council, an aggrieved student & candidate may prefer an application to the principal of the college.
- b) Such application can be preferred within a period of forty-eight hours from occurrence of the alleged grievance.